Can we make percentage discounts the default for new products instead of fixed amount discounts?
Implemented -
Can we have a consignments sales listing for individual and all rounds?
Implemented -
A report showing total weekly bookout adjustments for either a selected round or all rounds.
Implemented -
Can we have an option to create a consignment from desktop?
Implemented -
Can we have our company details included when generating invoice listing from transaction list?
Planned -
Is it possible to add a feature to consignments that allows us to add damages?
Implemented -
Please allow the deletion of consignments from the desktop.
In Progress -
Can the feature to exclude drivers' orders from sales be changed to exclude them from last week's sales, instead of the week before?
Implemented -
Please provide an option to print consignment delivery notes and invoices in A4 format.
Implemented -
A feature to set driver orders from their bookouts and clear adjustments for a chosen day, for one or all rounds.
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