Supplier sequence doesn't work properly when moving supplier numbers: 1 and 2
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When adding a product that already has the same product code as an existing product, it shows an error and then crashes.
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Bookouts report doesn't show closing stock entries when there are no round orders or bookout adjustments made on a product
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When sale of a customer is 0, customer profitablity summary report crashes
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when double clicking on supplier bill or supplier bill type 2 from reports dashboard, an error comes up then it crashes
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When generating a gap analysis report an error comes up
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When creating daily invoice for next week, invoice and weekending date shows as current week
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When loading backup week from customer dashboard, the dates located at the top of the entries doesnt change.
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The round reconciliation report displays overlapping long decimals when decimal figures are used in the closing stock and driver orders.
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If you are using the classic view of Customer deliveries and attempt to access the "backup week" for a customer that does not exist in that week, the software crashes with an error message